Endnote export


%T Construyendo barrio organizado: Saberes comunitarios hacia una vida digna
%A Opaso González, Alconda
%A Guerrero Lacoste, Sebastián
%A Garcés López, Victoria
%A Ubiergo Scheel, Sebastián
%A Cortez Varas, Patricia
%P 222
%D 2024
%I Ariadna Ediciones
%K social organization; popular culture
%@ 978-956-6276-26-5
%U https://ariadnaediciones.cl/index.php/catalogo/273
%X This book was built with the collective effort of a tremendous history of struggle that precedes us, the struggle for a Dignified Life hand in hand with a Public and Community Education that is at the service of its neighborhoods and communities. We join this long journey to think and create a neighborhood with the School as a common space, a School that dialogues with the neighborhood, that can support the processes that the spaces and organizations with which it is linked experience and that these spaces also allow it to grow in all its dimensions. Having the School in Our Hands.
We propose that you join us on this journey through the history of the Franklin Neighborhood, of the Territorial Coordinator for the Intercultural Dignified Neighborhood and of the organizations that give it life. That you accompany us through the journeys, knowledge and experiences that have emerged in connection with this struggle to have our homes and our school as a fundamental space for an organized life.
%C Santiago
%G es
%9 Monographie
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info