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@article{ Segura Gutiérrez2019,
 title = {"Te quiero para mí": El amor en el plano capital},
 author = {Segura Gutiérrez, José Miguel and Pardo Carrillo, Otto Smith},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {2},
 pages = {530-540},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2344-7125},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The purpose of this work is to reflect on the effects that the dynamics of capital present to forms of social relationship, such as love. It is argued that, through the market and the consumption of goods and services, processes of socialization and subjectivity are deployed, which affect the constitution of the subjects and inhibit the natural movement - to attract or to invite - that presents love as a social phenomenon and emotional bond between men. This, at the support of the political-institutional, which States and their governments make to the market economy, and in particular, to the connection between spaces, subjectivities, and goods. A question that ends up fostering isolated and fearful individualities, within a set of power relations, production, and social structure, which are developed by capitalism itself as a form of politicaleconomic rationality.El propósito de este trabajo es reflexionar frente a los efectos que la dinámica del capital presenta ante formas de relacionamiento social tales como el amor. Se argumenta que, a través del mercado y el consumo de bienes y servicios, se despliegan procesos de socialización y subjetivación que afectan la constitución de los sujetos e inhiben el movimiento natural - atraer o invitar - que presenta el amor en tanto fenómeno social y lazo emocional entre los hombres. Esto, ante el respaldo político-institucional que los Estados y sus gobiernos hacen a la economía de mercado, y en particular a la conexión entre espacios, subjetividades y mercancías. Cuestión que termina por propiciar individualidades aisladas y temerosas, dentro de un conjunto de relaciones de poder, producción y estructura social gestadas por el propio capitalismo en tanto forma de racionalidad política-económica.},
 keywords = {Leben; life; Liebe; love; Kapital; capital; soziale Beziehungen; social relations; Sozialisierung; nationalization}}