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@article{ Muñoz Gaviria2022,
 title = {Tres tradiciones de la educación popular: Francesa, Alemana y Latinoamericana},
 author = {Muñoz Gaviria, Diego Alejandro and Baena Rincón, Paula Andrea and Fernández González, Eliana},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {1},
 pages = {74-84},
 volume = {14},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2344-7125},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The three traditions, which make up Popular Education are: The French one, where the concept is created and from which the pedagogical struggle of the bourgeois class with the decadent aristocracy unfolds; the German one, which allows from its philosophical foundations to expand the ideas of a general education for all toward an education for emancipation; and the Latin American one, which evidences the liberating potential of education as a practice of freedom.Las tres tradiciones que configuran la Educación popular son: la francesa, donde se crea el concepto y desde la cual se despliega la lucha pedagógica de la clase burguesa con la decadente aristocracia. la Alemana, que permite desde sus fundamentos filosóficos ampliar las ideas de una educación general para todos y todas hacia una educación para la emancipación. y la latinoamericana, que evidencia el potencial liberador de la educación como práctica de la libertad.},
 keywords = {Allgemeinbildung; general education; Bildungschance; educational opportunity; Erwachsenenbildung; adult education; soziale Integration; social integration; politische Partizipation; political participation}}