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@article{ Piotrowska2024,
 title = {Wykorzystanie systemu zrównoważonych zamówień publicznych w tranzycji od gospodarki liniowej do cyrkularnej w Polsce},
 author = {Piotrowska, Jagoda and Przygodzki, Zbigniew},
 journal = {Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {27-50},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2024},
 issn = {2719-7131},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The transition from linear to circular economy requires conscious action and coordination of behaviour of all actors of development processes. The public procurement system coordinates the distribution of approximately 7% of Poland's GDP (2021). Hence, state interventionism focused on the implementation of sustainable development goals may actually contribute to changes in the foundations of the functioning of the country's economy and may determine the dynamics of these changes. In this context, it is interesting to what extent public authorities use the public procurement system to promote economic transition and minimize the negative effects of global processes of change in the natural environment. The aim of the work is to identify the level and directions of involvement of the public sector through the sustainable public procurement system in support of building a circular economy in Poland in regional terms. The results of the research prove a very low level of availability of data on green public procurement in international comparisons. In addition, green procurement is still of marginal importance for the Polish economy, especially those of an innovative nature. On the other hand, noticing pro-social public procurement is growing.},
 keywords = {Kreislaufwirtschaft; recycling management; ökonomischer Wandel; economic change; Nachhaltigkeit; sustainability; öffentlicher Sektor; public sector; Auftragsvergabe; placing orders; Umweltfreundlichkeit; environmental safety; Polen; Poland}}