Endnote export


%T In children's institutions of Kuzbass: 1945-1950
%A Markdorf, Nataliya M.
%A Markdorf, Mariya A.
%J Siberia Humanitarian
%N 4
%P 10-19
%D 2023
%K Kuzbass; children's reception centers; orphanages; school education; factory training schools; morbidity of orphans; Department for Combating Child Neglect and Homelessness in Kuzbass
%@ 2949-1568
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-95809-3
%X The article analyzes the problems of child homelessness and neglect in Kuzbass. 
The characteristics of the material, living conditions of detention, provision of pupils in 
children's distribution centers and orphanages are given. The issues of physical condition, 
education, the formation of a communist worldview and morality, as well as the employ ment of graduates of orphanages, the problems of their supply with housing, clothing and 
shoes are considered.
The authors conclude that the level of homelessness and neglect in the rear area of the 
country in the post-war years was high. Multinational children's collectives contained or phans taken from the siege of Leningrad, children of repressed parents and special set tlers, children of dead front-line soldiers, as well as children abandoned by mobilized 
workers from many parts and regions of the Soviet Union. The situation of the pupils of 
children's institutions in Kuzbass was significantly influenced by the difficulties experi enced by the country's population in the post-war period.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info