Endnote export


%T Triple helix theory as the conceptual platform for innovative talent cultivation in digital economy
%A Zhang, Chang
%J State and Municipal Management: Scholar Notes
%N 4
%P 246–252
%D 2021
%K triple helix theory; digital economy; talents; competencies;
%@ 2079-1690
%X The university-industry-government triple helix theory originated from regional innovation practices, revealing the essence of continuous knowledge-based regional innovation and triggering the exploration of new models and mechanisms for regional growth in countries around the world. The triple helix theory provides a new paradigm for the collaborative development of innovation and entrepreneurship education by government, enterprises, universities and other subjects. Taking the triple helix theory as a tool, the article proposes that under the background of digital economy, a new path of deep integration of innovation and entrepreneurship education with professional education should be explored in multiple modes, such as conceptual integration, curriculum integration and cross-disciplinary integration. University students are the main human base of the innovation and entrepreneurship group. To build the innovation and entrepreneurship education system in universities and to optimize the structure of innovation and entrepreneurship education, it is necessary to innovate the entrepreneurship model in universities based on the needs of the digital era.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info