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@article{ Salnikov2017,
 title = {Russian manufacturing production capacity: Primary trends and structural characteristics},
 author = {Salnikov, Vladimir and Galimov, Dmitry and Mikheeva, Olga and Gnidchenko, Andrey and Rybalka, Alexey},
 journal = {Russian Journal of Economics},
 number = {3},
 pages = {240-262},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2618-7213},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This paper estimates the capacity utilization rate for Russian manufacturing. We also propose a way to build continuous production capacity time series and indicators to describe the basic characteristics of production capacity. The data come from form 1-natura-BM of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Our findings on the trends and structural characteristics of production capacity are shown to be significant for economic policy since we found that in recent years capacities utilization rate in Russian manufacturing industry has been not extremely high and that there is a strong correlation not only between capacities utilization rate and inflation rate but between capacities utilization rate and capacities commissioning intensity as well.},