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@article{ Kireeva2017,
 title = {Improving the staffing of the municipal service},
 author = {Kireeva, E. Y.},
 journal = {Public Administration},
 number = {6},
 pages = {19-24},
 volume = {19},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2070-8378},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article reflects on the main tasks set in the guidance documents of the Russian state to improve the system of personnel maintenance for Municipal Service. On the basis of comparative legal analysis of legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation the main tasks of the modern period in the organization of personnel work in the municipalities are disclosed. The priority areas for the formation of the cadre of the Municipal Service are outlined. The problem of regulation in the sphere of Municipal Service is described alongside with examples of municipal legislative acts regulating Municipal Service issues. The author considers aspects of legal regulation for personnel reserve issues and the creation of mentoring institute in the sphere of Municipal Service, and analyzes possible problems and ways to solve them. In conclusion there have been proposals formulated for improving the organization and staffing of the Municipal Service. Increasing the efficiency of using the human resources potential of the state and municipal service is one of the factors for strengthening the modern Russian statehood, an actual tool for efficient implementation of the tasks and functions of state authorities and local self-government.},
 keywords = {öffentliche Dienstleistung; public service}}