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@article{ Kapitanets2018,
 title = {Professional standards in the work of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation},
 author = {Kapitanets, Yulia V. and Kapitanets, Maxim E.},
 journal = {Public Administration},
 number = {4},
 pages = {27-33},
 volume = {20},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2070-8378},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The following article focuses on the problem of making an objective and measurable assessment of competence for state civil employees of the Federal Tax Service based on the professional standards. It examines the methods used by tax authorities to evaluate professional or individual qualities of employees during personnel procedures to select, recruit, or certify. These methods of evaluation ensure the observance of the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation for equal access to the state civil service. In addition, these technologies are designed to ensure the staffing of the tax authority with conscientious, professionally trained and motivated personnel. The current methodology for holding a contest of the Federal Tax Service does not provide for the application of professional standards. Professional standard is offered by the authors as a way to form the objective measurable and comparable reference values to assess employee competence in various types of professional career. The authors also formulated specific practical measures required to remove these restrictions.},
 keywords = {Beamtenberuf; civil service occupation; Qualifikationsanforderungen; qualification requirements; Personalbeurteilung; staff appraisal; Personaleinstellung; hiring; Zertifizierung; certification; Russland; Russia}}