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@article{ Hamdi2024,
 title = {Quality Management of Education at SMAN 10 Mataram, Indonesia},
 author = {Hamdi, Muhamad Syaeful and Mustari, Mohamad and Fahruddin, Fahruddin and Hakim, Mansur and Makki, Muhammad},
 journal = {Path of Science},
 number = {6},
 pages = {5016-5025},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2024},
 issn = {2413-9009},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The study aims to describe the planning and organization of educational quality at SMAN 10 Mataram. This study is qualitative descriptive research with respondents including the principal, vice principals, teachers, school committee members, staff, and students, all selected using purposive sampling techniques. The key instrument in this qualitative research is the researchers themselves. The researcher personally collects data obtained from interviews, observations, and document studies using guidelines from each data collection technique. The qualitative data analysis used in this research refers to the interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman in 1994. The results of this study are 1) The quality management planning at SMAN 10 Mataram to establish a high-achieving educational institution involves the following stages: a) using the established vision and mission as a foundation to enhance the quality of education; b) committing to school administration by national education standards; c) providing comfortable and quality services in the learning process, and (d) improving the quality of student input by enhancing service quality to produce high-quality output; 2) The quality organization at SMAN 10 Mataram is carried out through 1) personnel management by placing and assigning personnel according to their respective competencies, and 2) facilities and infrastructure management to support all educational programs and services at SMAN 10 Mataram.},
 keywords = {Qualitätssicherung; quality assurance; Management; management; Bildung; education; Qualität; quality}}