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@article{ Seidenbecher2024,
 title = {Neuroanatomical correlates of aggressiveness: a case-control voxel- and surface-based morphometric study},
 author = {Seidenbecher, Stephanie and Schöne, Maria and Kaufmann, Jörn and Kaufmann, Jörn and Schiltz, Kolja and Bogerts, Bernhard and Frodl, Thomas},
 journal = {Brain Structure and Function},
 number = {1},
 pages = {31-46},
 volume = {229},
 year = {2024},
 issn = {1863-2661},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Aggression occurs across the population ranging on a symptom continuum. Most previous studies have used magnetic resonance imaging in clinical/forensic samples, which is associated with several confounding factors. The present study examined structural brain characteristics in two healthy samples differing only in their propensity for aggressive behavior. Voxel- and surface-based morphometry (SBM) analyses were performed on 29 male martial artists and 32 age-matched male controls. Martial artists had significantly increased mean gray matter volume in two frontal (left superior frontal gyrus and bilateral anterior cingulate cortex) and one parietal (bilateral posterior cingulate gyrus and precuneus) brain clusters compared to controls (whole brain: p < 0.001, cluster level: family-wise error (FWE)-corrected). SBM analyses revealed a trend for greater gyrification indices in martial artists compared to controls in the left lateral orbital frontal cortex and the left pars orbitalis (whole brain: p < 0.001, cluster level: FWE-corrected). The results indicate brain structural differences between martial artists and controls in frontal and parietal brain areas critical for emotion processing/inhibition of emotions as well as empathic processes. The present study highlights the importance of studying healthy subjects with a propensity for aggressive behavior in future structural MRI research on aggression.},
 keywords = {Aggression; aggression; Gehirn; brain; Emotionalität; emotionality; Empathie; empathy; Proband; probationer; Kampfsport; combat sport; Pathologie; pathology; Morphologie; morphology; Gewalt; violence; Gewaltbereitschaft; propensity to violence; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany}}