Endnote export


%T Analysis of the potential of a new concept for urban last-mile delivery: Ducktrain
%A Schomakers, Eva-Maria
%A Klatte, Marcus
%A Lotz, Vivian
%A Biermann, Hannah
%A Kober, Fabian
%A Ziefle, Martina
%J Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
%P 1-10
%V 14
%D 2022
%K urban mobility; micro mobility; last-mile delivery; light electric vehicle; acceptance Ducktrain; Verkehrsfreiheit der eigenen Wohngegend (ZIS 207); Verantwortungszuschreibung intern spezifisch (ZIS 63); Problemwahrnehmung spezifisch (ZIS 177)
%@ 2590-1982
%~ FDB
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-95388-7
%X As cities continue to grow and the online retailing business continues to boom, last-mile logistics is becoming more and more of a challenge. This paper introduces Ducktrains, a new electric, automated, and compact light vehicle logistic solution for dense urban areas. Moreover, we present first insights on the potential of such a concept from a transport planning and social science perspective. Using a comparative transport analysis focusing on the factors speed, payload, and range, we validated the vehicles’ suitability for urban delivery. To explore social acceptance, we used an empirical mixed-method approach, conducting both a qualitative interview study (N = 70) and an online survey (N = 1007). Results of both analyses reveal the general suitability of the introduced concept for urban deliveries. The Ducktrains showed to be competitive for standard delivery tours, and acceptance was generally high, with the main associated advantages being environmental friendliness and quality of life improvements. However, some concerns, including negative impacts on the overall traffic situation and safety, remain from the public's perspective.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info