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@article{ Astutiningtyas2024,
 title = {The Effect of Learning Cycle to Reduce Speaking Anxiety in Chinese Language Learners},
 author = {Astutiningtyas, Dessy and Hamamah, Hamamah and Sahiruddin, Sahiruddin},
 journal = {Path of Science},
 number = {6},
 pages = {3005-3017},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2024},
 issn = {2413-9009},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This study aims to assess the level of speaking anxiety among Mandarin learners at Malang State Polytechnic and evaluate the effectiveness of the Learning Cycle (LC) model in reducing speaking anxiety during Mandarin language learning. The research follows a quasi-experimental approach and focuses on students enrolled in the Business Administration Study Program at Malang State Polytechnic. One class was selected as the experimental group, while another was the control group using the intact classes technique. Data collection involved observation and post-tests. The findings revealed that: 1) The Independent Sample T-Test indicated a significant difference in anxiety levels between the control and treatment groups, with the treatment group exhibiting a higher mean value of 34.40 compared to the control group's mean value of 9.12. Thus, it can be concluded that the anxiety level of the treatment group is better than that of the control group; 2) The Paired Sample T-test results demonstrated a significant influence between the group's Pre Test and post-test, with an increase in mean values from 53.32 to 62.44. Additionally, the Pre Test mean value was smaller at 45.79, while the Post Test mean value was 79.00.},
 keywords = {Linguistik; linguistics}}