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@article{ Kossova2022,
 title = {Drivers of smoking and physical activity in Russia: Do individual time preferences matter?},
 author = {Kossova, Tatiana V. and Kossova, Elena V. and Sheluntcova, Maria A.},
 journal = {Russian Journal of Economics},
 number = {4},
 pages = {381-390},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2618-7213},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article analyzes the relationship between individual decisions to smoke and to do physical exercises. It is assumed that individual time preferences play a major role in explaining individual health behavior. The database is the special survey of Russians’ lifestyle conducted in 2017. A multivariate probit model with endogenous binary variable enables to analyze the relationship between smoking, doing physical exercises, and individual time preferences. Individual time preferences are determined through a hypothetical money experiment. An individual discount rate is used as a proxy for the rate of time preferences. We reveal that there is a negative relationship between smoking and doing physical exercises because of unobservable factors. It might be an individual inclination to follow a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle. There is a negative influence of the higher individual discount rate on doing physical exercises and a positive influence of the higher individual discount rate on smoking. Social policy should accentuate the short-term benefits from smoking cessation and regular physical exercises rather than probable future health improvements. For target groups with the higher individual discount rate, highlighting the short-term negative consequences of avoiding healthy behaviors will be more effective than drawing attention to future health risks.},
 keywords = {Rauchen; smoking; körperliche Bewegung; physical exercise; Gesundheitsverhalten; health behavior; Lebensstil; life style; Russland; Russia}}