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@article{ Dinev2022,
 title = {Barricades and ballots: exploring the trajectory of the Slovenian left},
 author = {Dinev, Ivaylo},
 journal = {East European Politics},
 number = {4},
 pages = {609-626},
 volume = {39},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2159-9165},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article traces the transformation of the new left in Slovenia from a protest movement into the political force United Left/The Left during the anti-establishment protest wave against the conservative government of Janez Janša (2012-2013). Through a triangulation of the protest event dataset and qualitative analysis, this piece shows that the new left combined anti-austerity and pro-democratic messages with growing economic and political grievances early on in the cycle of protest and seised the political opportunities that emerged after the collapse of the traditional left-wing forces, thus paving the way for the successful electoral turn.},
 keywords = {Slowenien; Slovenia; politische Linke; political left; Protest; protest; Protestbewegung; protest movement; politische Partizipation; political participation; Ökosozialismus; ecosocialism; sozialer Wandel; social change; Partei; party; Eurobarometer; Eurobarometer}}