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@incollection{ Busch2024,
 title = {Self-staging or brand authenticity? A qualitative content analysis of German-language LinkedIn posts by high-reach corporate influencers},
 author = {Busch, Kelly and Göthel, Kirsten and Kewe, Dominik and Krauß, Carl and Zapke, Laura},
 editor = {Godulla, Alexander and Buller, Christopher and Freudl, Vanessa and Merz, Isabel and Twittenhoff, Johanna and Winkler, Jessica and Zapke, Laura},
 year = {2024},
 booktitle = {The Dynamics of Digital Influence: Communication Trends in Business, Politics and Activism},
 pages = {76-98},
 address = {Leipzig},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This research project examines how high-reach corporate influencers (CI) stage themselves and their corporate brand in German-language LinkedIn posts. Based on the theory of Impression Management, the aim of three research questions is to work out which topics CI address with their LinkedIn posts, which aspects of brand authenticity and self-staging are reflected in their LinkedIn posts, and how these aspects are reflected in their interaction with the community. 100 posts from a total of 10 different members of LinkedIn's Top Voices program were analyzed using Kuckartz's content-structured qualitative content analysis. A total of six different dimensions were identified for each of self-staging and brand authenticity. For self-staging, these are education and willingness to learn, personal experiences, highlighting activities outside the company, own perspective and own abilities as well as private details. For brand authenticity, these are brand positioning, recruiting, promotion, knowledge sharing, corporate culture and appreciation. With the exception of recruiting, the same aspects are found in the interaction with the community, supplemented on both sides by the aspect of defense.},
 keywords = {Soziale Medien; social media; Marke; trademark; Repräsentation; representation; Selbstdarstellung; self-presentation; Unternehmen; enterprise; Kommunikation; communication}}