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@article{ Feltran2022,
 title = {Variations in Homicide Rates in Brazil: An Explanation Centred on Criminal Group Conflicts},
 author = {Feltran, Gabriel and Lero, Cecilia and Cipriani, Marcelli and Maldonado, Janaina and Rodrigues, Fernando and Lopes, Luis Eduardo and Farias, Nido},
 journal = {Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social},
 number = {Especial 4},
 pages = {349-386},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2178-2792},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The paper proposes an explanation for the
variations in homicide rates in Brazil in the past two decades. Based on the comparison of ethnographic experiences lived in the criminal universe of four capital cities (São Paulo, Porto Alegre, São Luís and Maceió), we propose two analytical strategies: 1) the breakdown of quantitative homicide rate data by victim profile, and 2) the construction of historical synopses of conflicts between factions at the local level. We demonstrate how homicide rates, in specific socio-demographic profiles, oscillate based on
changes in conflicts between factions at the
local level conflicts, and influence variations in the aggregate rates.},
 keywords = {Brasilien; Brazil; Tötungsdelikt; homicide; organisierte Kriminalität; organized crime; quantitative Methode; quantitative method; Ethnizität; ethnicity; Soziologie; sociology; Zeitreihe; time series; vergleichende Forschung; comparative research; Opfer; victim; Konflikt; conflict; Bevölkerungsgruppe; population group; demographische Faktoren; demographic factors; Gewaltkriminalität; violent crime}}