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@book{ Ertl2024,
 title = {R* and Convergence},
 author = {Ertl, Martin and Rabitsch, Katrin},
 year = {2024},
 series = {IHS Working Paper},
 pages = {53},
 volume = {55},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We explore the natural rate of interest, shortly r*, in emerging economies. If economic growth originates from convergence, then growth, say, from technological progress will be lower than we find in the data and, hence, r* will be lower. Ignoring convergence upwardly biases our estimates of r*. We extend the New Keynesian small open economy model to take account of convergence. The model is estimated with Bayesian techniques for four emerging economies in Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. The estimation process is informed by empirical evidence about a rapid catch-up of our example economies during the period from 2003 to 2019. We confirm the decline in r* over the last decades. When we account for capital deepening, we find meaningful differences with non-negligible implications for monetary policy.},
 keywords = {Mitteleuropa; Central Europe; Osteuropa; Eastern Europe; Konvergenz; convergence; Zinssatz; interest rate; Schwellenland; newly industrializing countries; Wirtschaftswachstum; economic growth; Polen; Poland; Tschechische Republik; Czech Republic; Ungarn; Hungary; Rumänien; Romania; Geldpolitik; monetary policy}}