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@article{ Altman2024,
 title = {Citizens' stability of electoral preferences in Chile since the social upheaval},
 author = {Altman, David and Díaz, Juan and Engel, Eduardo and Peña, Benjamín},
 journal = {Journal of Politics in Latin America},
 number = {1},
 pages = {50-67},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2024},
 issn = {1868-4890},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {A strong oscillation of electoral preferences took place in Chile between the election of the members of the Constitutional Convention in May 2021 and the election of the members of the Constitutional Council in May 2023. This is surprising because, until the national-scale social uprising in 2019, there was a broad consensus that Chile was a highly institutionalised party system where political preferences tended to be stable. In this research note, we study how the electoral choices made by citizens shifted between both elections, using the ecological inference approach based on a Bayesian hierarchical model developed elsewhere. We find that a vast majority of the new voters that resulted from the compulsory voting policy implemented between both elections opted for centre-right to right-wing candidates. However, this evidence is insufficient to determine whether these new voters predominantly align with right-leaning ideologies or hold anti-systemic viewpoints.},
 keywords = {Chile; Chile; direkte Demokratie; direct democracy; Wahlrecht; suffrage; Wahlverhalten; voting behavior; Parteiensystem; party system; politische Mitte; political center; politische Rechte; political right; Lateinamerika; Latin America}}