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@article{ Hajek2024,
 title = {Perceived ageism and psychosocial outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic},
 author = {Hajek, André and König, Hans-Helmut},
 journal = {Archives of Public Health},
 volume = {82},
 year = {2024},
 issn = {2049-3258},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In light of the existing knowledge gap in this research area (particularly based on representative samples and research conducted during the pandemic), the objective of this study was to explore the association between perceived ageism and psychosocial outcomes (i.e., in terms of life satisfaction, loneliness, social isolation, aging satisfaction and depressive symptoms) among middle-aged and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic based on nationally representative data.},
 keywords = {alter Mensch; elderly; Erwachsener; adult; Diskriminierung; discrimination; Altersrolle; age role; Lebenszufriedenheit; satisfaction with life; Selbstbild; self-image; Einsamkeit; solitude; Depression; depression; soziale Isolation; social isolation; Wahrnehmung; perception; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany}}