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@article{ Doblhammer2024,
 title = {Editorial on the Special Issue "Demographic Developments in Eastern and Western Europe Before and After the Transformation of Socialist Countries"},
 author = {Doblhammer, Gabriele and Spéder, Zsolt},
 journal = {Comparative Population Studies - Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft},
 pages = {117-140},
 volume = {49},
 year = {2024},
 issn = {1869-8999},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Osteuropa; Eastern Europe; postsozialistisches Land; post-socialist country; Transformation; transformation; Westeuropa; Western Europe; Bevölkerungsentwicklung; population development; Fruchtbarkeit; fertility; Partnerschaft; partnership; Diversität; diversity; Sterblichkeit; mortality; Gesundheit; health; Migration; migration}}