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@article{ Bridgewater2023,
 title = {Leader Change, Time in Office and the Determinants of Voter Perceptions},
 author = {Bridgewater, Jack},
 journal = {Parliamentary Affairs},
 number = {1},
 pages = {146-161},
 volume = {76},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1460-2482},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {There is a significant literature on the role of both parties and leaders in electoral politics and a broad understanding of the strength of the relationship between the two in voters' minds. However, less has been done to determine if there is systematic variation in whether voters see a party and its leader as one and the same. I address this question by using the Comparative Study of Electoral System to measure the impact of leader changes on voter perceptions. I find that new leaders are less likely to be evaluated according to the party they represent, with some evidence that maintaining the same leader over a long period of time increases the association between leader and party.},
 keywords = {Wahlsystem; electoral system; Führer; leader; Bewertung; evaluation; Partei; party; Präsidialsystem; presidential system; Wähler; voter; Wahrnehmung; perception; Führungswechsel; leadership change}}