Endnote export


%T Comparing Carbon Regulation Scenarios for BRICS and EAEU Economies Using a GTAP-E Model
%A Davydova, Altana
%J Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy
%N 1
%P 66-91
%V 19
%D 2024
%K computable general equilibrium model; carbon regulation; CO2 emissions; BRICS; EAEU; integration policy
%@ 2411-2658
%X The paper compares the economic effects of a national carbon tax with those of an emission trading system (ETS) between EAEU and BRICS countries over the medium term. Also included are
Uzbekistan, which has observer status in the EAEU, and Turkmenistan, which is an EAEU trade and
economic partner. The static computable general equilibrium model GTAP-E is employed. Targets
for reducing emissions are formulated on the basis of the countries’ intermediate goals as stated
in their respective submissions under the Paris Agreement. The resulting simulations show that, in
terms of real GDP, an emission trading scheme would be more favorable than national taxation for
countries such as Brazil, India, Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. However,
for China, South Africa, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, resorting to an ETS would produce a comparatively greater reduction in GDP. Because the second group of countries has lower abatement
costs than the equilibrium carbon price under an ETS, that scenario would permit those countries to
reduce emissions by a greater amount and sell emission allowances. The analysis also shows which
sectors would increase production after carbon regulation. A considerable increase in production
and exports would occur for chemicals and for ferrous and nonferrous metals in several BRICS
and EAEU countries. Although those industries are energy-intensive, the countries concerned could
decrease emissions by reducing production in the energy or other sectors. These industries could
benefit from potential joint comparative advantages in the context of declining demand for traditional energy sources. These findings should be valuable in devising integration policy.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info