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@article{ Valiyev2014,
 title = {The Ukrainian Crisis and Implications for Azerbaijan},
 author = {Valiyev, Anar},
 journal = {Caucasus Analytical Digest},
 number = {67-68},
 pages = {11-13},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {1867-9323},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article analyzes how Azerbaijan tries to maintain a variety of balances in its foreign policy. While both the elite and population of Azerbaijan support the Kiev government in its effort to maintain Ukraine's territorial integrity, the country also tries not to antagonize Moscow. Similarly, Azerbaijan seeks to maintain good relations with both the West and Russia, while constantly seeking to resolve the Karabakh conflict in its favor.},
 keywords = {Ukraine; Ukraine; Konflikt; conflict; Auswirkung; impact; Aserbaidschan; Azerbaijan; Außenpolitik; foreign policy; Russland; Russia; internationale Beziehungen; international relations; UdSSR-Nachfolgestaat; USSR successor state}}