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@article{ Turmanidze2014,
 title = {Georgians in the Internet Age: The Profile},
 author = {Turmanidze, Koba and Gabedava, Mariam},
 journal = {Caucasus Analytical Digest},
 number = {61-62},
 pages = {2-5},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {1867-9323},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Computer literacy and Internet usage have been increasing in Georgia for the past few years. This article
looks at the profile of active Internet users based on the 2013 Caucasus Barometer. Specifically, we are interested
in describing the social-economic profile of internet users and exploring similarities and differences
between the users and non-users in terms of political attitudes and religiosity. We illustrate that the Internet
users are more likely to be young residents of the capital, often with higher education. We also show that
Internet users are more engaged citizens than non-users: they have a high appreciation for democracy, are
critical of the government and display tolerance toward other ethnic groups. At the same time, the Internet
users appear to be more religious: they report higher religiosity and observe religious rituals more actively
compared to non-users.},
 keywords = {Georgien; Georgia; Internet; Internet; Online-Medien; online media; Nutzung; utilization; Benutzer; user; politische Einstellung; political attitude; Religiosität; religiousness; demographische Faktoren; demographic factors; soziale Faktoren; social factors}}