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@article{ Schubert2019,
 title = {Social innovations as a repair of social order},
 author = {Schubert, Cornelius},
 journal = {NOvation - Critical Studies of Innovation},
 number = {1},
 pages = {41-66},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2562-7147},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The paper addresses social innovation both as a mode and as a means of social change. It draws on the recent developments in the sociology of repair to offer a critical reading of pro-innovation discourse on the level of EU policy. It is argued that the practices and concepts of social innovation on the level of EU policy can be fruitfully reframed within a repair narrative, whereas the proliferation of the buzzword social innovation warrants a closer look from an innovation studies perspective. Connecting both repair and innovation studies thus offers a more nuanced understanding of current societal transformations and adds to the conceptual discussion of social change and social order.},
 keywords = {EU; EU; Sozialordnung; social order; soziale Entwicklung; social change; Innovation; innovation; sozialer Wandel; social change}}