

@article{ Pipchenko2022,
 title = {Трансформація Зовнішнополітичної Комунікації ЄС, Німеччини tа України},
 author = {Pipchenko, Nataliia},
 journal = {International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies},
 number = {13},
 pages = {91-101},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {2524-2679},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The study’s purpose is to critically analyse approaches to international communi- cation in the global environment and clarify the specifics of processes that char- acterize the asymmetry of foreign-policy communication because the contem- porary communication tools allow forming both a positive perception of foreign policy initiatives and a negative attitude of politicians or the world community toward foreign-policy actions. As a result, the research focuses on studying the transformation of the EU foreign-policy communication tools; analysing the practice of foreign-policy communications of Germany and Ukraine; detecting the impact of destructive communications on the image of the EU, Germany, and Ukraine in the international information space. The main conclusions of the research are such statements: the aggravation of Ukrainian-Russian relations has demonstrated an imbalance in the existing for- eign-policy orientations; the EU leaders rethought the political impact of supra- national formation on the contemporary system of international relations; Germany’s practice in foreign-policy communication concerns the preservation of the position as a world leader that is able to influence the solution of complex international political and security issues.},
 keywords = {Eurobarometer; Eurobarometer; EU; EU; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Ukraine; Ukraine; Außenpolitik; foreign policy; internationale Kommunikation; international communication; Asymmetrie; asymmetry; internationale Beziehungen; international relations}}