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@article{ Neagli2021,
 title = {Grassroots, astroturf, or something in between? Semi-official WeChat accounts as covert vectors of party-state influence in contemporary China},
 author = {Neagli, Jackson},
 journal = {Journal of Current Chinese Affairs},
 number = {2},
 pages = {180-208},
 volume = {50},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {1868-4874},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article explores a facet of the Chinese propaganda apparatus that has yet to receive sufficient academic attention: the murky ecosystem of "semi-official" party-state presences on Chinese social media. With a particular focus on WeChat public accounts, this investigation responds to two critical research questions: first, what differentiates official party-state social media presences from semi-official presences, and second, what unique role do semi-official WeChat accounts play in the contemporary Chinese propaganda apparatus? This article samples content published by five dyads of official and semi-official WeChat public accounts during the first fifteen days of June 2019. The results of this comparative, case-study-based discourse analysis support two conclusions. First, semi-official WeChat accounts posture as independent from the party-state in order to attract large followings and gain credibility. Second, semi-official WeChat public accounts operate as "astroturfed influencers," enabling the Chinese propaganda apparatus to covertly manipulate online discourse with extraordinary efficiency.},
 keywords = {China; China; Soziale Medien; social media; Online-Medien; online media; Diskurs; discourse; Manipulation; manipulation; Propaganda; propaganda; Informationspolitik; information policy; Kommunikationspolitik; communication policy}}