Endnote export


%T India's system of public administration and delivery of public services in turbulent times: challenges and solutions
%A Datta, Prabhat K.
%A Kotchegura, Alexander P.
%J Public Administration
%N 6
%P 6-11
%V 24
%D 2022
%K Covid-19 Pandemic
%@ 2070-8378
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-92525-8
%X The paper explores the peculiarities of the current system of public administration in India, the role and functions of civil servants and their interface and relations with politicians. It delienates existing main problem areas and outlines certain "remedy" actions to overcome current difficulties and raise performance of the national bureaucracy, in particular - its ability to deliver timely and better quality public services. The findings and inferences of the accomplished research are largely based on the analysis of the performance of Indian civil servants in the current administrative and political setting, specifically at the regional and local levels. The colonial legacy of civil service still persists in this fast-changing era of globalization. It is in this context that civil service reform constitutes a quintessential element of the system of good governance. The study focuses on the internationally recognized experience of the regional administration in Kerala State, focused on the successful mobilization of citizens, businesses and street level bureaucrats to withstand the impact of the pandemic. The relative success of Kerala in addressing key issues of survival for tens of thousands of citizens is largely explained by the ability of the regional and local governments to encourage and coordinate stakeholders in their joint anti-coronavirus efforts and support innovative grassroots intiatives.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info