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@article{ Ginzburg2021, title = {Looking at three years of ICPP}, author = {Ginzburg, Lydia}, journal = {Society and Power (Socium i vlast)}, number = {3}, pages = {78-82}, year = {2021}, issn = {2949-0731}, doi = {}, abstract = {The article is an analytical and critical review of the main ideas of philosophical practice. The review was prepared on the basis of the author’s personal participation in the work of international conferences on philosophical practice over the past three years. The comparison of the three last conferences reveals how tensions around definitions and goals of the practice have been reduced in ways that reflect an openness and appreciation of multiplicity. The anguish surrounding the boundaries of the field have decreased as well, and is seems that philosophical practice is ready to reflect on itself through the research, publication, networking and mapping.}, }