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@article{ Brenifier2018,
 title = {The Art of Philosophical Practice: Philosophical Attitudes},
 author = {Brenifier, Oscar},
 journal = {Society and Power (Socium i vlast)},
 number = {1},
 pages = {73-79},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2949-0731},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article is a translation of the second chapter of O. Brenifier's book 'The Art of Philosophical Practice', in which the author considers the meanings of philosophizing from the point of view of his "practical" dimension. The author has been working on the concept of "practical philosophy" for many years. He is one of the main promoters of philosophical practice in the world, conducting philosophical cafes, philosophical seminars with children and adults. He wrote and published many books in this field, several of them from the series 'Philozenfants' were translated into 30 languages of the world. Brenifier actively develops his own method of individual and group philosophical consultations, conducts master classes in the evaluation and development of intellectual competencies in various organizations. The theoretical positions of this work are reflected in this article.},