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@article{ Gordeyev2017,
 title = {Social, Environmental, and Economic Fundamentals for the Development of a Biosphere Reserve in the Mining Area of South Ural},
 author = {Gordeyev, Sergey and Zyryanov, Sergey and Ivanov, Oleg and Yakovlev, Aleksey},
 journal = {Society and Power (Socium i vlast)},
 number = {5},
 pages = {83-90},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2949-0731},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The paper dwells upon the theoretical foundations and
practical issues of the development of a biosphere reserve
as a component of a major social, environmental, and
economic system. Mining South Ural is a biosphere reserve
that is cited as an example of how the success of its
development depends on the opportunity and adequacy
of adapting the requirements of the World Network of
Biosphere Reserves regulations (the UNESCO Man and the
Biosphere program) to the historical specific issues of the
reserve and its surrounding areas. Particular attention is paid
to the specific matters of how the biosphere reserve has
been formed under the conditions of the spatial integration
of natural and urbanized areas of the old industrial
region. The paper demonstrates the specifics of creating
project-based solutions and drafting a biosphere reserve
management plan for industrially developed areas.},
 keywords = {Biosphärenreservat; biosphere reserve; regionale Entwicklung; regional development; Raumplanung; spatial planning; Naturschutz; conservation; Russland; Russia}}