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@book{ Winograd2023,
 title = {The future of the transatlantic partnership: US perceptions and debates},
 author = {Winograd, Sophia and Gruarin, Valentina and Günay, Cengiz and Dzihic, Vedran},
 year = {2023},
 series = {Policy Analysis / Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik},
 pages = {19},
 volume = {10},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik (oiip)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Russia’s attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, altered Europe's security architecture and long-term strategic planning. Many in Europe have shared with the Biden administration that the aggression is not only an existential threat to Ukraine but also to the liberal world order and its values. The war has revived transatlantic coordination and increased the popularity of NATO on both sides of the Atlantic. However, there are critical voices which have questioned the transatlantic commitment and its longevity. This paper examines whether and how the transatlantic partnership has been revitalized and whether it is long lasting. It does so by focusing on U.S. debates, differing opinions, and varying positions on the war and cooperation with NATO and the EU.},
 keywords = {transatlantische Beziehungen; transatlantic relations; Russland; Russia; Ukraine; Ukraine; Krieg; war; NATO; NATO; USA; United States of America; EU; EU; Kooperation; cooperation; Präsident; president; Weltordnung; world order}}