

@article{ Druzhinina2023,
 title = {The concept of "patriotism" in a modern university: the content and possibilities of formation},
 author = {Druzhinina, Yulia and Kovtun, Ekaterina and Shirokova, Olesya},
 journal = {Public Administration},
 number = {2},
 pages = {95-103},
 volume = {25},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2070-8378},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The study aims to explore students' version of the «patriotism» concept and to analyze the attractiveness of existing practices of patriotic education in modern Russian universities. The study used quantitative methodology and information was collected by using an online survey (n=765).Students tend to define patriotism as a global social phenomenon. Students are more inclined to consider those who choose professions based on service to society. According to the evaluation of the activities aimed at patriotism formation in the university, students find historical and commemorative events, vocational guidance, and volunteering activities most effective. Based on the study findings, the authors formulated conclusions offering suggestions to improve activities aimed at fostering patriotism among students.The authors emphasize that when developing and implementing educational programs in higher education institutions, it is necessary to consider patriotism not as an abstract social phenomenon but through actual social practices aimed at forming individual patriotic consciousness.},
 keywords = {Russland; Russia; Universität; university; Student; student; Bewusstseinsbildung; formation of consciousness; Patriotismus; patriotism}}