

@article{ Bayer2020,
 title = {Social Trust as an Intangible Condition for the Quality of Life: Considering After-Pandemic New Norms},
 author = {Bayer, Julia},
 journal = {Administrative Consulting},
 number = {6},
 pages = {136-140},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {1816-8590},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The article considers such a social phenomenon as social trust, the degree of knowledge
of this phenomenon. The author gives a definition of social trust. Social trust is considered
as one of the factors of quality of life. The transformation of social trust from an industrial
society to the contemporary stage is being studied, including the stage of the global crisis
amid a pandemic. The main trends in changes in social communication during a pandemic
are analyzed and a forecast is given for further changes in the principles of building trust.
The emphasis is on the fact that after the pandemic social trust will be easier to arise in
the virtual space than in the physical. The author names the criteria of social trust.
The basic criteria of social trust in modern media communication are considered.},