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@article{ Drucker2022,
 title = {The labour market effects of the Polish educational reform of 1999},
 author = {Drucker, Luca and Flóra Horn, Dániel and Jakubowski, Maciej},
 journal = {Journal for Labour Market Research},
 pages = {1-21},
 volume = {56},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1867-8343},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We estimate the effect of the 1999 education reform in Poland on employment and earnings. The 1999 education reform in Poland replaced the previous 8 years of general and 3/4/5 years of tracked secondary education with 9 years of general and 3/3/4 years of tracked upper-secondary education. The reform also introduced new curricula, national examinations, teacher standards, and a transparent financing scheme. Our identification strategy relies on a difference-in-differences approach using a quasi-panel of pooled year-of-survey and age-of-respondent observations from the Polish sample of the EU-SILC database. The results indicate that the reform has increased employment probability (by around 3 percentage points) and earnings (by around 4%).},
 keywords = {Polen; Poland; Bildungsreform; educational reform; Arbeitsmarkt; labor market; Beschäftigungseffekt; effect on employment; 20. Jahrhundert; twentieth century; Sekundarbereich; secondary education; Primarbereich; primary education; Bildungswesen; education system}}