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@article{ Kamb2023,
 title = {The fertility effects of school entry decisions},
 author = {Kamb, Rebecca and Tamm, Marcus},
 journal = {Applied Economics Letters},
 number = {8},
 pages = {1145-1149},
 volume = {30},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1350-4851},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {School entry regulations lead to differences in the age when children start school. While previous literature estimated the effects of age at school entry for compliers with school entry regulations, we look at non-compliers, namely those who enter school one year before the official entry date. Based on an instrumental variable approach, the results show that early enrolment increases the number of children by 0.1 (which is significant at the 10%-level), whereas we find no significant impact on rates of childlessness.},
 keywords = {Mikrozensus; microcensus; Einschulung; school enrollment; Fruchtbarkeit; fertility; Alter; old age; Mutterschaft; motherhood; Kinderlosigkeit; childlessness}}