Endnote export


%T From religious segregation to cultural heritage: the case of the Armenian community in Bucharest
%A Mionel, Viorel
%J Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
%N 1
%P 69-86
%V 11
%D 2019
%@ 2067 - 4082
%~ Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
%X Religious segregation is a process with a very long history, but which has been
little analyzed within the Romanian scientific literature. The paper proposes a detailed
discussion of how the Armenian community in Bucharest was geographically segregated
because of religious reasons by the rest of the Orthodox inhabitants of the city almost five
centuries ago. The analysis made by the national and international literature on this subject
reveals substantial gaps, with multiple theoretical difficulties in explaining how religious
segregation can end up in cultural heritage. Incorporating the urban segregation theory
and urban culture, the research proposes an exploratory case study as a conceptual basis
for future similar studies. The analyzed data have shown that, in time, due to the
expansion of urban space and to certain religious concessions, cities can be the
beneficiaries of high-value physical elements with an impact on urban culture, architecture
and landscape, all thanks to religious segregation.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info