Endnote export


%T Digital Tools in Language Education: A Case Study on the Integration of Whiteboard.Fi in German Language Classes at SMAN 8 Malang, Indonesia
%A Aini, Desti Nur
%A Sari, Ririn Novita
%A Rachmadanti, Aliqa
%J Path of Science
%N 12
%P 2008-2014
%V 9
%D 2023
%K Whiteboard.fi; supportive learning media; German language learning
%@ 2413-9009
%X This research aims to describe the utilization of Whiteboard.fi as a supporting tool in German language learning and the responses of 11th-grade students from IPA 5 class at SMAN 8 Malang during the academic year 2022/2023 when using Whiteboard.fi. The research employed a qualitative descriptive method, and data were collected through observation and questionnaire responses. The findings indicate that using Whiteboard.fi as a learning tool in German language classes creates an enjoyable learning experience. Both students and teachers actively engage in the learning process through feedback mechanisms. In their feedback, students expressed positive opinions and reported a lack of boredom during the lessons. The optimal utilization of Whiteboard.fi is achieved when accessed via a PC/laptop, as the more expansive display enhances the ease of note-taking during lessons.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info