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@article{ Ciommi2019,
 title = {Population Dynamics, Agglomeration Economies and Municipal Size: a Long-Term Analysis},
 author = {Ciommi, Maria Teresa and Zambon, Ilaria and Salvati, Luca},
 journal = {Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis},
 number = {1},
 pages = {5-17},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2067-4082},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Under the hypothesis that modifications in municipal boundaries and creation (or
suppression) of new administrative units reflect a progressive adjustment toward a more
balanced distribution of population over space, the present study investigates the long-term
relationship (1928-2012) between urban expansion, population dynamics and municipal
area in a growing metropolitan region (Athens, Greece). In expanding regions, municipal
size is a key variable outlining the amount and spatial concentration of services and
infrastructures, resulting to be functionally related to population density, agglomeration
factors, land availability to building and characteristic socioeconomic profiles of local
communities. A statistical analysis of the relationship between population density and
municipal area provides basic knowledge to policy and planning adjustments toward a
more balanced spatial distribution of population and land among the local government
units. Descriptive statistics, mapping, correlation analysis and linear regressions were used
to assess the evolution of such relationship over a sufficiently long time period. The
average municipal area in Athens decreased moderately over time, with a slight increase in
spatial heterogeneity. Conversely, the average population density per municipality
increased more rapidly, with a considerable reduction in spatial heterogeneity. The
observed goodness-of-fit of the linear relationship between population density and
municipal area increased significantly over time. The empirical results of our study indicate
that municipal size has progressively adjusted to population density across metropolitan
areas, determining a more balanced spatial distribution of the resident population, which
was consolidated by the recent administrative reform of the local authorities in Greece (the
so called ‘Kallikratis’ law). Such conditions represent a base for the informed analysis of
the spatial structure of local administrative units and they contribute to the debate on the
optimal size of municipalities and other administrative districts with relevant impact on both
urban and metropolitan scales of governance.},
 keywords = {Stadtentwicklung; urban development; Stadtgebiet; municipal area; Bevölkerungsentwicklung; population development; Ballungsgebiet; agglomeration area; Bevölkerungsdichte; population density; Flächenbedarf; required area; Raumplanung; spatial planning; Siedlungsstruktur; settlement pattern; Griechenland; Greece}}