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@article{ Getman2023,
 title = {The Deepfake Technology: Threats or Opportunities for Customs},
 author = {Getman, Anastasia and Ling, Yilan},
 journal = {Administrative Consulting},
 number = {4},
 pages = {30-36},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1726-1139},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The development of science and technology contributes to the expansion of opportunities for using new ways in various fields of activity - such as remote work, cloud computing, and so on, which makes any activity more convenient and efficient. However, high technologies are not always associated with a positive effect, as new technologies lead to new risks. The article discusses Deepfake technology, a popular artificial intelligence technology, with which it is possible not only to change, but also to fake data, such as images, video, audio. On the one hand, this brings benefits and profits to the film industry, and on the other hand, it can threaten the protection of intellectual property rights. Customs authorities using various technologies need to be prepared to respond to deepfakes. The article is devoted to the issues of taking into account the risks for the customs authorities of countries in connection with the emergence and spread of deepfakes.},
 keywords = {Hochtechnologie; high technology; neue Technologie; new technology; künstliche Intelligenz; artificial intelligence; Technikfolgen; effects of technology; Manipulation; manipulation; Zoll; duty; Risikomanagement; risk management}}