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@article{ Jonutytė2023,
 title = {Buryatia and Buryats in Light of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine},
 author = {Jonutytė, Kristina},
 journal = {Russian Analytical Digest},
 number = {301},
 pages = {7-10},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {1863-0421},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper looks at how the Russo-Ukrainian war has affected Buryatia and Buryats, as well as what this might mean for the future of the region. Buryats are a Mongolic ethnic group who have historically been
split across three countries: Russia, Mongolia, and China. Based on the available data, it appears that Buryats and/or soldiers from Buryatia are overrepresented among casualties on the Russian side. The article explores this overrepresentation and local reactions thereto, placing these grievances in historical context.},
 keywords = {Russland; Russia; Ukraine; Ukraine; Krieg; war; Auswirkung; impact}}