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@article{ Udoh2023,
 title = {Brand Management in Private Tertiary Educational Institutions in Nigeria: A Case of Bingham University},
 author = {Udoh, Willie Bassey and Osazuwa, Jennifer I. and Okocha, Desmond Onyemechi},
 journal = {IMSU Journal of Communication Studies},
 number = {2},
 pages = {124-135},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2682-6321},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {There is evidence in the reviewed literature that organizations struggle to formulate and implement their corporate branding strategies. This study focuses on brand management as incorporated in private tertiary educational institutions, most specifically with reference to Bingham University. The study examined the promotional strategy for Bingham University, which ultimately leads to their brand management in the wider perspective. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Secondary source comprises literature review which includes branding concepts such as brand identity, brand personality, identity and image, brand perception among others. The primary source of data collection was done through an in-depth interview targeted at nonteaching senior staff and management staff of the University so as to get a better idea of their perceptions and beliefs about the effects of branding and promotional strategy on their selection process. A total number of thirty (30) staff members were randomly selected out of the total population of senior management staff using the purposive sampling method. Brand identity model and Keller's brand equity model are the two models that guided the investigation. Results of the study show that engagement of brand management has been effective, with affirmation from a large number of the participants. It also indicates that Bingham University has been able to manage its brand over the years with advertising being the major tool and public relations as a subsidiary instrument. It was recommended that Bingham University should constantly review its brand management strategies as trends constantly evolve in respect to customer's behavior, and change in the marketplace which is highly competitive.},
 keywords = {Markenpolitik; branding policy; private Hochschule; private university; Marketing; marketing; Corporate Identity; corporate identity; Image; image; Nigeria; Nigeria; Westafrika; West Africa}}