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@article{ Shimamoto2017,
 title = {Cooperative game theory approach to establishing a landscape agreement},
 author = {Shimamoto, Kenichi},
 journal = {Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis},
 number = {2},
 pages = {187-196},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2067-4082},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {As the need for a participatory approach towards a sustainable landscape
development grows, this paper has applied the cooperative game theory to analyse the
mechanism of entering a landscape agreement which requires the participation and
initiative of local residents and stakeholders. The results confirmed that a landscape
agreement only becomes possible with a certain level of supporters and the optimal
situation is when all participants agree. Moreover, the possibility of free riders, which would
prevent reaching a universal agreement, was also confirmed. The effect of government
subsidies for landscape considerate building and the enforcement of penalties for building
without were also examined. As a result, we learned that subsidies and the enforcement of
penalties influences the number of supporters required for the landscape agreement and in
preventing free riders.},
 keywords = {Strafe; penalty; Subvention; subsidy; Landschaftsplanung; landscape planning}}