

@article{ Θεοδωρουλάκης2021,
 title = {Η μεταρρύθμιση της κοινωνικής πρόνοιας στην Ελλάδα: οικονομικά και ποσοτικά δεδομένα με έμφαση στις μεταβολές του μείγματος ευημερίας},
 author = {Θεοδωρουλάκης, Μενέλαος},
 journal = {Social Policy},
 pages = {47-67},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2241-8652},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article attempts to demonstrate that the reform of the social assistance system in Greece is a significant change in the level of coverage of social needs and in the wider welfare regime of the country. It has strengthened the provision of social benefits for housing, child and family care and poverty alleviation, while improving the redistributive and social effectiveness of social transfers. Utilizing quantitative data from the European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU SILC) and ESSPROS, it argues that this reform has expanded the state’s contribution to the "production" of welfare in the country, both in terms of resources and covered risks (albeit at low levels), while also contributing to changing the characteristics of the dominant purely southern European welfare regime in the country. by adding elements of a liberal welfare regime.},
 keywords = {Griechenland; Greece; Wohlfahrtsstaat; welfare state; Reform; reform; Sozialhilfe; social assistance; Sozialleistung; social benefits; Armutsbekämpfung; combating poverty}}