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@article{ De Marco2023,
 title = {Jobless and Burnt Out: Digital Inequality and Online Access to the Labor Market},
 author = {De Marco, Stefano and Dumont, Guillaume and Helsper, Ellen Johanna and Díaz-Guerra, Alejandro and Antino, Mirko and Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo and Martínez-Cantos, José-Luis},
 journal = {Social Inclusion},
 number = {4},
 pages = {184-197},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2183-2803},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article examines how inequalities in digital skills shape the outcomes of online job‐seeking processes. Building on a representative survey of Spanish job seekers, we show that people with high digital skill levels have a greater probability of securing a job online, because of their ability to create a coherent profile and make their application visible. Additionally, it is less probable that they will experience burnout during this process than job seekers with low digital skill levels. Given the concentration of digital skills amongst people with high levels of material and digital resources, we conclude that the internet enforces existing material and health inequalities.},
 keywords = {Spanien; Spain; Digitale Spaltung; digital divide; Digitalisierung; digitalization; Arbeitsuche; job search; Bewerbung; application; soziale Ungleichheit; social inequality; Burnout; burnout}}