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@article{ Becker2023,
 title = {Psychological Stress = Physiological Stress? An Experimental Study With Prospective Teachers},
 author = {Becker, Sara and Spinath, Birgit and Ditzen, Beate and Dörfler, Tobias},
 journal = {Journal of Psychophysiology},
 number = {1},
 pages = {12-24},
 volume = {37},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {0269-8803},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The present study analyzed experimentally the association between the experience of psychological stress and the physiological stress response of prospective teachers. The experienced stress was assessed by self-reported data. Cortisol concentrations via saliva samples reflected the physiological response. The results show no difference between the stress and the control group in the experience of psychological stress. However, the stress group had significantly increased cortisol concentrations compared to the control group. The study could not show any correlation between the two stress parameters. The results suggest that a stress response should be validated based not only on the experience of psychological stress but also on the physiological stress response. This is particularly crucial in light of the fact that the majority of studies concerning stress in teachers are limited to experiences of psychological stress so far. Due to this, the results may provide a first important contribution to a more comprehensive stress assessment for teachers.},
 keywords = {Stress; psychophysical stress; psychische Belastung; psychological stress; physiologische Faktoren; physiological factors; Lehrer; teacher}}