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@article{ Shirinov2015,
 title = {Civil Society in Azerbaijan: Testing Alternative Theories},
 author = {Shirinov, Rashad},
 journal = {Caucasus Analytical Digest},
 number = {73},
 pages = {6-9},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1867-9323},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article provides a new framework for analyzing the concept of civil society and applies it to the case of Azerbaijan. For almost three decades, academics and practitioners have discussed civil society using a very particular framework based on a specific paradigm: the Tocquevillean notion of civil society, a liberal-democratic vision of civil society in which civil society is an autonomous, independent political actor to check the state's power. I believe it is time now to shift perspective and try to look at things from a different angle. This article offers a Gramscian view of the concept of civil society and tests it on Azerbaijan. I believe it is important for theoreticians and practitioners to think outside of the box that was built for the last two and a half decades of post-communist life and see various opportunities to interpret reality in a new way, particularly when the previous frames seem to be insufficient.},