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@article{ Kuru2023,
 title = {Usage and Challenges of E-Learning during The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study Of WhatsApp And Zoom},
 author = {Kuru, Leton Cynthia and Aso, Tamunoiselegha May},
 journal = {IMSU Journal of Communication Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {34-43},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2682-6321},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This study examined e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic with focus on the use of Whatsapp and Zoom. The
main objective of the study was to examine influence of the use of WhatsApp and Zoom for e-learning on
postgraduate students’ academic activities in Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. The study was guided by the
technological determinism theory. The descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study, while
purposive sampling technique was used to identify 351 postgraduate students of Rivers State University that utilised
the e-learning method during the period of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Questionnaire was used to elicit
information from the respondents. Findings of the study showed that the use of WhatsApp and Zoom for e-learning
did not generate better understanding of the lectures being taught when compared to the traditional classroom
teaching method. Also, findings showed that some of the challenges faced by the students in utilising the WhatsApp
and Zoom platforms for e-learning were distractions from the environment, Internet failure and the challenge of
meeting up with data expenses. The study recommended that lecturers should ensure that class sessions are
interactive and participatory. Also, the government should provide free Internet access to students in tertiary
institutions. This would help them have access to more resource materials for their academic activities.},
 keywords = {Electronic Learning; electronic learning; Lernumgebung; learning environment; Soziale Medien; social media; Lehrmethode; teaching method; Hochschulbildung; university level of education; Nigeria; Nigeria; Westafrika; West Africa}}