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@article{ Satria2023,
 title = {The Effectiveness of Using the Bantara Enforcement Scout Practical Guidebook in Increasing Material Understanding in Man Scout Participants in Aceh Besar, Indonesia},
 author = {Satria, Haris and Syamsulrizal, Syamsulrizal and Putra, Sukardi and Marlina, Yeni and Mansur, Mansur},
 journal = {Path of Science},
 number = {7},
 pages = {1016-1021},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2023},
 issn = {2413-9009},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Scouting is an educational process outside the school environment and outside the family environment in the form of interesting, fun, healthy, organized, directed, practical activities carried out in the open with the basic principles of Scouting and Scouting Methods, which ultimately target the formation of character, morals and noble ethics. The Scout Movement at the State Aliyah Madrasah in Aceh Besar is a mandatory extracurricular activity that all students must follow. Still, in the implementation of daily training, there are various obstacles obtained, both in terms of basic scouting knowledge that is not yet in the knowledge and facilities and infrastructure that are not adequate, therefore the existence of the Bantara Enforcement Scout Practical Guidebook as a book that is used as a guideline for enforcement scouts in improving  Understanding Scouting. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Bantara Enforcement Scout Practical Handbook was effectively able to improve material understanding in scout participants. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive statistical research methods and a Quasi-Experiment Group Pretest-Posttest research design. Based on the results of the data obtained that there is an increase in understanding of the material in scout participants. It can be seen from the results of the pre-test 68.71 and post-test 94.24 with signs. Based on pre-test and post-test scores, the N-Gain Score is 0.8303, which means that the Scout Practical Handbook High Bantara Enforcers have high effectiveness in increasing the understanding of the material of scout participants. The implications of the Bantara Scout Enforcer Practical Handbook can effectively assist scouts independently and with coaches in improving the ability of general scouting standards and specific scouting standards that Bantara enforcement scouts must have.},
 keywords = {Pfadfinder; scout; Identitätsbildung; identity formation; außerschulische Bildung; extracurricular learning; Lehrbuch; textbook}}